星期四, 3月 08, 2007

Bonsai, 盆景藝術, Art of aesthetic miniaturization of trees

A bonsai is not a genetically dwarfed plant. It is any tree or shrub species actively growing but kept small through a combination of pot confinement, and crown and root pruning. Most of them are growing for 1 or 2 generations of planter.

星期二, 3月 06, 2007

含苞待放, 綠葉拱襯, ready to bloom with leaf companion



天竺葵的葉子通常是對生,葉片為圓形,腎形或扇形, 掌狀淺裂或羽狀簽裂, 一般具有長葉柄,有的種類葉上有深淺紋路。

星期日, 3月 04, 2007

二零零七年香港花卉展覽, Hong Kong Flower Show 2007


二零零七年香港花卉展覽 -- http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/hkfs/2007/b5/index.php

香港花卉展覽是康樂及文化事務署推廣園藝和綠化意識的重點項目,每年為數十萬本港市民和世界各地的園藝愛好者提供一個賞花 和交流種花經驗的良機。二零零七年香港花卉展覽將於二零零七年三月十六日至二十五日在香港銅鑼灣維多利亞公園舉行。市民除了可以欣賞到花型秀麗、顏色奪目 的主題花「洋葵」及各地的花卉之外,更可以觀賞到來自本地、內地及海外園藝機構展出悉心栽培的盆栽、造型優美的花藝擺設,以及色彩繽紛的園景設計。會場更 設有售賣花卉及其他園藝產品的銷售攤位。

二零零七年香港花卉展览 -- http://sc.lcsd.gov.hk/gb/www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/hkfs/2007/b5/index.php

香港花卉展览是康乐及文化事务署推广园艺和绿化意识的重点项目,每年为数十万本港市民和世界各地的园艺爱好者提供一个赏花 和交流种花经验的良机。二零零七年香港花卉展览将于二零零七年三月十六日至二十五日在香港铜锣湾维多利亚公园举行。市民除了可以欣赏到花型秀丽、颜色夺目 的主题花「洋葵」及各地的花卉之外,更可以观赏到来自本地、内地及海外园艺机构展出悉心栽培的盆栽、造型优美的花艺摆设,以及色彩缤纷的园景设计。会场更 设有售卖花卉及其他园艺产品的销售摊位。

Hong Kong Flower Show 2007 -- http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/green/hkfs/2007/en/index.php

The Hong Kong Flower Show is a major event organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to promote horticulture and the awareness of greening. Every year, it provides a good opportunity for hundreds of thousands of local citizens and horticulture lovers all over the world to appreciate the beauty of flowers and share their experiences in the cultivation of flowers. Hong Kong Flower Show 2007 will be held from 16 to 25 March 2007 at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. Featuring "Geranium" as its theme flower, the event will showcase this exquisite plant and a rich profusion of exquisite potted plants, beautiful floral arrangements and gorgeous landscape displays by organizations from local, the Mainland and overseas. There will also be commercial stalls selling flowers and other horticultural products.